Gary & Michelle Dolch

at Compass

About Gary & Michelle Dolch

Gary and Michelle Dolch are the top choice for strategic, high-net-worth Buyers and Sellers of luxury real estate who seek quality representation, value time and wish to accelerate the sales process, maximize value and ROI. Gary Michelle are seasoned in luxury real estate sales and finance and have been directly involved with top tier property sales totaling $1+ Billion.
Gary and Michelle are skilled negotiators, communicators and are proficient in dealing with complicated deal structures, real estate tax strategies and investment portfolio and development scenarios. Their clients also have access to their contacts in real estate law, finance and accounting as well as top builders, and designers.
Gary and Michelle are solely focused on selling the finest properties in Austin and Central Texas, typically ranging between $1M and $50M+, and as a result they are the preferred real estate to leading luxury brokerage firms throughout the U.S. that feed into their Buyer network bringing yet another unique position to their clients in Austin.
Gary and Michelle are experienced real estate professionals and owners of Dolch Properties Inc. and Austin Luxury Group. They are members of
 The Austin Board of Realtors, Houston Board of Realtors, Central Hill Country Board of Realtors, Texas Association of Realtors, and the National Association of Realtors, and The Elite 25. Gary and Michelle ranked as the #1 Team in Austin with the Wall Street Journal Real Trends 2023#1 team with the Austin Business Journal in 2022 and have consistently ranked in the top 4 year-over-year since 2014. They were also awarded #4 for sales volume in Texas by WSJ Real Trends in 2022.  Gary and Michelle are COMPASS Founding Agents, a top producing team at COMPASS Austin, and among the Top 100 agents at Compass nationally.
They each have earned multiple designations in their careers but the most important three letters behind their names are mom and dad. Gary grew up in San Antonio, played football and soccer, attended Texas State University where he studied business and marketing while paying his own way through school selling cars for the Nash family and overtime worked up to managing their dealerships. Gary has been an entrepreneur and salesman his entire life, starting his first company at age 13 and employing 6 of his best friends. Gary founded 3 corporations before the age of 30 and took two of them through seed and angel rounds before exiting. He is a car fanatic, avid saltwater fisherman, loves the mountains and snowboarding, and cherishes his time with family and friends. Michelle grew up in Burnet, Texas where she excelled in scholastics and volleyball receiving a full scholarship to the University of Texas where she studied business finance. Michelle successfully owned and operated restaurants and a bakery eventually selling and making her way to Austin where she became the food and beverage director for Club Corp before ultimately realizing her passion in real estate.

Gary and Michelle regularly support local charities including Austin Pets Alive, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Central Texas, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), St Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, CASA, Habitat For Humanity, Coastal Conservation Association and many others.

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